We Help Companies Maximize the Value of Traditional & Digital Authorship



The digital transformation has pushed the limits of creativity into brand new realms. Original works, once delivered through a narrow set of channels, can now be delivered through a variety of new formats and shared with all types of audiences anywhere in the world. However, with ever-expanding formats and media comes also the enhanced threat of piracy, duplication, and infringement. Creative authorship has never been more threatened than it is in today’s legal environment. As a result, businesses turn to the copyright and intellectual property attorneys at Loza & Loza LLP to protect their most valuable works from infringement.

The copyright attorneys at Loza & Loza LLP help businesses navigate through complicated copyright laws and rules around the world, in order to maximize the value of ownership rights. As the digital landscape continuously changes, our attorneys engineer key strategies for mitigating risk — those risks known in the present, and those unforeseen risks that inevitably will come in the future.

With decades of experience spanning industries of all sizes and segments, our attorneys enable businesses to build foundations of reliable revenue streams through a variety of legal services, such as:

  • Filing copyright registration applications with the US Copyright Office, and guiding clients through the process in an efficient and expeditious manner
  • Proactively managing and monitoring use of copyrighted works to ensure maximum value of authorship
  • Aggressively defend against infringement claims, in all digital and traditional media
  • Maximizing authorship rights through successfully filing temporary restraining orders and cease & desist letters
  • Assisting clients in compliance with international copyright entities such as the International Organization for Standardization
  • Advising on copyright issues to maximize advertising and promotional content across all media formats
  • Helping clients acquire and license works in value-added ways, such as joint development agreements, assignments, and distribution agreements
  • Drafting opinions regarding ability to copyright works such as books, films, photographs, art, computer software programs, websites, databases, and many other hard and soft media
  • Preparing license agreements to help monetize copyright works


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